Saturday, August 1, 2015

Blogs that Assist at Work

Lately, I've been working on "work me" and I realized I need to have more resources that can assist "work me" while I'm at the office. Therefore, in this blog, I'm going to give you my favorite sites for a little work advice and or motivation. These sites are not listed in any particular order...

Nicole Williams- Works is a site I visit regularly for career advice, and just to see Nicole William's trending topics. Since we share a name, I must show support :-). The site talks about style, etiquette, and gives inspiration to those just starting in the workplace.

Ms. Career Girl- This site gives readers insight on careers, lifestyle, and relationships. It's for the young everyday girl who is seeking how to navigate this sometimes crazy world.

Network of Executive Women- I have the pleasure of being a member of this non-profit organization dedicated to advancing women, growing business and transforming the cpg/retail industry’s workplace through the power of our community.

The Corporette- This is a new blog that I've come across that has some pretty solid advice for today's working woman. From career, to fashion, bargains, and being a working mother, this site covers a lot of topics concerning the modern woman.

Daily Worth- Money, Career, Business, and Life are all trending topics for working women. This site is the leading financial media company and it takes a serious look at women and their search for financial stability.

These are just a few of the websites that I have been reading lately, and I know there are many more that I don't even know exist. Please leave your suggestions in the comment section and I'll be sure to check those out.

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